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Useful Tips

Sharing the Knowledge

Milk Bath

A Penny for your Thoughts

Some call it a journal.  Others say a log, diary, chronicle, or notebook.  Whatever the word, the key idea is that you create a written record of your thoughts, feelings, and memories at regular time intervals.  Write down your heart's desires.

Notebook and Pen

Creating a Relaxing Bath

Aim for a clutter free bath area.  Then choose your favorite scented candle, as well as a few other non-scented ones, and place these around the bathroom, and dim or switch off the lights.  Place a rolled-up hand towel or bath cushion at the head of the bath to support your head and neck once you get in.  Play some soothing music and grab your favorite snack.  The most important thing is to leave your phone or other screens out.

Meditating Outdoors

Let It Go

When life stresses you out and you need to just a minute to compose yourself.  With your eyes closed, simply breathe in while saying "breathe in" in your head as you do.  Then breathe out and say, "breathe out" for the next 20 minutes or so. Your aim is to focus on this circular breath and the simple words in your head as much as possible.

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